Upcoming events.


Hobby Exchange

We all have the Queer Tenacity to take up and learn new hobbies and find ourselves with multitudes of supplies of DIYs passed stacked upon our shelves and under our beds, don’t we? Let’s pay those sweet crafts forward to our friends and find our next fixation in the process!

Come by the shop March 15th for Hobby Exchange! Pass on the tools from an old hobby to a new friend for a new one! Supporting the sustainability of community and engaging with each other over your next favorite DIY craft or skill. Bring a small kit for starting or tools for someone to advance in a skill they might already have! Mix and mingle about new or past projects over a sweet drink or warm nibble as you exchange knowledge and fun tidbits.

Don’t be shy, this can range from handicrafts, to skill guides, to extra supplies (yarn, fabric, thread, specialized materials, etc)! We encourage everyone to make this as social as possible and express what they might be looking for as well!

See you at Soft Butch Bed Stuy, March 15th, 2-4:30p! Happy hobbying!

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Reflective Journaling Hour

Let’s Write it Out!

Join us at Soft Butch to put pen to paper and get in touch with ourselves through writing! It’s hard sometimes to find intentional time to reflect. On March 16th, we’ll turn on some lo-fi ambiance music for an hour and a half for you to come, grab a drink, and sit and journal any way you like. Bring your own notebook and we’ll have some prompts if you need a little help to jog your writing process, if you’d like!

Enjoy some intentional time with yourself while still being in community. Some time alone together can help just as much as chatting and interacting. There will still be an hour at the shop afterwards if you feel inclined to stick around and share!

See you March 16th, at 2:30p!

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Event Five
to Jan 7

Event Five

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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